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  • 5 Career Killing Mistakes PhDs Make (#4 Is Very Common) Published on July 30, 2018

    26 Agustus 2019 by

    Too many PhDs end up unemployed. According data from the National Science Foundation, 80% of Life Science PhDs end up completely unemployed or in low-paying postdoc training positions, which the government does not count as employment. 60% of ALL PhDs end up unemployed or in low-paying postdoc positions. Usually this happens after a PhD defends his… Baca selengkapnya

  • 10 things you need to check before signing a contract

    26 Agustus 2019 by

    After a long and gruelling recruitment process, reading through your employment contract might not be the most exciting prospect. If you’re just starting out in the world of work, you may think it’s entirely unnecessary. If you’ve never had much need to refer to a contract so far in your career, you may think it’s… Baca selengkapnya

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